Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Feeling a lot more positive - sorry for the previous 'downer' posts.

Just when I was wondering if I would have any symptoms this cycle - they hit last night in a wave.

A dull super long burst of cramping - not as sharp as period pain - but of equal intensity.

Slightly sore boobs - tho now I think about it - I had them before transfer too for a bit - so thanks progesterone.

My husband says I am very 'smelly' - thanks hubby - but I know what he means - even I can smell myself.

I keep reminding myself - I have a 26 year olds egg inside me (I hope!!) - it has got to have a good chance of working.

Speaking of work - can I say how much I have enjoyed pottering around the flat - doing mostly nothing. I have spent a bit too much time googling - but hey.

We ended up with only one other explanding blastocyst to freeze - the others were too fragmented. Not a great outcome from a collection of 11 eggs - but I only want ONE baby. Please universe.


I still can't reply to anyones comments - what am I doing wrong.


Blogger Bee Cee said...

May the symptoms continue. I want to be reading about you throwing up in a few weeks! Hang on there, you have the best chance you've ever had.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Dandle Dreams said...

No need to complain - if you can't rant on your blog, then where else can you?

Congrats on getting a blostocyst to freeze, but hopefully you won't need to use it anytime soon.

Hope the strange symptoms continue.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Hi! Just dropping in from Cycle Sistas and wanted to say I am thinking of you! Fingers crossed that that little embryo is doing great in there!

My husband and I have debated on putting in one or two on our next cycle, he says one, I say two. (our first IVF gave us our son Henry. We now have embryos and will be going back soon to start the process for baby #2) All those decisions are hard, but I am sure you did what was best!

12:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Lemon said...

I am here from Cyclesista and wanted to wish you well! Here's to your positive!!!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Roccie said...

Hey stinky. Dont you ever apologize for downer posts, or it will mean I need to start doing it too.

We have no time for apologies, dear. This sucks as we call 'em as we see 'em.

7:14 AM  

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